Due to staffing shortages I have been spending some of my days as a Houseparent recently, usually to our younger boys cabin. Let me tell you, eight boys in one cabin is a LOT of personality. Yesterday I wasn’t their Houseparent, but I was still there at bedtime due to another issue. After settling that issue, the typical bedtime questions started coming at me, “miss can you tuck me in”, “miss can I have a hug”, “miss can you pray with me”. I said sure and moved from room to room hearing small snippets of their day, from being proud of their accomplishments, to asking for help to make a plan for a better day tomorrow. Then I came to the room with the most personality of all. In this room we have one who has multiple mood swings a minute combined with some of the worst impulse control I’ve ever seen, and one who is in a sibling set of four so he is always striving to been seen and be an individual.
Mr. Moody wanted the outside light on and Mr. Individualist wanted it off. I tried to come up with a compromise and put a towel over the window of Mr. Individualist so he didn’t have light shining on him, while Mr. Moody didn’t have to be in the dark. The only issue is, those windows are tall...and I am not. As I attempted to hang the towel over the curtain, Mr. Individualist giggled and said “Miss you are so short”. I laughed and said “I know bud, but I’m trying!”, which ultimately caused more giggles to ensue from both boys as I stood on my tippy toes trying to block out what light I could so that both boys could sleep in comfort. After I finished I noticed that I hadn’t really blocked out much light, and that despite all my efforts, the towel was crooked. I was ready to pull it down and try again when Mr. Individualist said “thanks miss that’s much better, I love it when you try”, to which Mr. Moody replied “yeah Miss is good at trying”. Then both asked for hugs, told me they loved me and went to bed. As I walked out of the room, that phrase echoed in my head. “I love it when you try”. It didn’t matter to my boys if I perfectly had one with light and one without, it mattered that I heard them and made an effort.
Sometimes, in today’s world of photoshop and instant gratification, we can be afraid to try if perfection can’t be achieved. We don’t move for fear of not having an Instagram or Facebook worthy result that will be shared and liked by all those who see it. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with doing something well, or of being proud of your successes and hard work, but there is also beauty in the effort that doesn’t always pay off. There are lessons learned from crooked towels on tall windows.
God’s strength is often displayed in our weakness. Those things we can’t do can often highlight what He can do. We are called to follow, we are called to community and we are called to try. Loaves of bread and fish weren’t multiplied by perfect words, planning and execution, they were multiplied by Christ, and the faithful effort of sharing what one boy had. Friends, don’t be afraid to try. Go where you are led, trusting God to equip you along the way. Listen to the needs around you and try to address them. Show up for people even if you aren’t sure how to to help or what to do. Trust that God’s perfection can multiply your effort to bless his children as you seek to make everyday acts of service glorify Him. Trust who make you and the purpose for which you were made. God loves it when we try, and Mr. Individualist does too.