So this morning (as it seems to happen most Sunday mornings) our college pastor Kyle Dunn had a surprise up his sleeve. The sermon was about politics. (I know, I know...bear with me) He sent out an email earlier in the week that had a little blurb about the sermon and when I heard it was about politics, it made me want to call in sick this morning. But, because I trust God and Kyle's discernment to shepherd us in the right direction I went, hoping he wouldn't fail me for this first time in 5 years. Oh me of little faith.
I like to think that I am a fairly tolerant person. I have some foundational things that I won't budge on (God is in control, his son died for me, I am forgiven and his, and my life's purpose is to bring him glory as I follow the path he has for me), but i'm not going to judge you if your favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla when the obvious best one is mint chocolate chip. This leaves me at a loss in the political realm. I go in wanting to love and understand people and their viewpoints but instead I get slammed with snarky memes and ranting statuses that seem to either call me racist or a heretic. I'd like to think that i'm neither, and Kyle and Jesus seem to agree.
In Titus 3:1-2 it says "Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities,to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." Now that is a political standpoint I can get behind.
I have taken many a poly sci class and have had teachers tell me everything from my vote doesn't matter, to my vote decides the fate of the entire world. First, neither is true. Second, my witness is more important than my vote. I am called to be a light in a dark place, a helping hand to those in need, an ear to listen, a heart to love, eyes to see and a support to those who lean on me. God is so much bigger than my facebook status, and he is not a republican, democrat or American. God is on his own side, with his own agenda, for his own purpose and glory, and I am called to fall in line.
When voting I am going to try to stay on that line and see which candidate it is closest to. Either way, if my guy wins or loses, I am going to have faith that my God is sovereign and no amount of ballots can thwart his agenda. But, my attitude and demeanor before, during and after casting my ballot can bring him glory.
Somewhere along the way our political parties seem to have turned into the equivalent of high school rival parties. One turns their music up louder and one has a better DJ, but both are working to bring the other down. Our campaigns sling so much mud and dirt that we all get covered in the grime. What would happen if we were to be people who were respectful, graceful, tactful and gentle in the sea of dirty tricks and half truths? What if we were to seek understanding and give it in return? What if we were to be a people who held firmly to their beliefs because they were biblical, not because they toed the party line? What if we were to be a people who sought to love others before we judged them based on who they vote for? I feel like having that attitude, and seeking to be firm, but loving and not degrading, has much more significance than my one vote does. My attitude and my witness have eternal significance, no one sees my ballot.
Neither candidate is they harbinger of death, and neither is the Messiah. We already have one and he is seated on his throne in heaven in full control of all that happens down here. My God is sovereign and he has called me to engage in the world around me in order to bring it closer to him. So this is me, i'm engaging in the political world. I am educating myself about the issues and candidates and I will vote when the time comes, but during this process I am going to remember my true aim is to please God and he is pleased when I love on and rejoice in his creation.
So in the days to come I would encourage you to take the high road. Remember that both candidates are men who are fallible and sin, but were also created by a God who loves them and when one of them becomes our Commander in Chief, God is still sovereign over all. God has it in control, I am his, you are his, America is his and our candidates are his, all I have to do is play the part i've been given with gentleness and grace. I hope you all will join me.
"I have taken many a poly sci class and have had teachers tell me everything from my vote doesn't matter, to my vote decides the fate of the entire world. First, neither is true. Second, my witness is more important than my vote. I am called to be a light in a dark place, a helping hand to those in need, an ear to listen, a heart to love, eyes to see and a support to those who lean on me. God is so much bigger than my facebook status, and he is not a republican, democrat or American. God is on his own side, with his own agenda, for his own purpose and glory, and I am called to fall in line."
ReplyDeleteGood words Amy .... The best way to change the world is to be who we are supposed to be and then influence others one person at a time ...