Monday, February 25, 2013

The Kelleys

So, I know the cutest, smartest baby ever born. I also know a beautiful and kind woman who has championed me, challenged me, and greatly shaped who I am today. To further add to my joy, I know a  good man who has gotten down in trenches with me, stood calmly in my chaos and made sure that I feel seen, loved and heard. Lucky me, I don't only know these people, I am related to them. My nephew Jackson, sister Mandi and brother-in-law Jake are some of the most phenomenal people I have ever encountered. For the past 23 years my sister has been by my side. In marrying Jake she gave me the brother I always wanted and in having Jackson, they gave me a nephew who is easy to adore. I am so thankful for them and all they do for me.

In 16 days they are moving across the world. I am so proud of them for obeying God's call to go, even when it is hard or others don't fully understand. I have no doubt that they will change the world we live in by fearlessly loving others. They are gifted in great ways and have been equipped for the journey they are about to undertake.

As part of their family, I am so excited to support them on this new adventure. I am glad that they are getting to go where they feel called. I love that other's have joined in to support them as they go and that Mandi will finally be going longterm to a place she has felt like needed to be her home since we were little. I love that my nephew will have a worldview and reference point unlike any other when it comes to how his view of the kingdom of God is shaped. I am excited for the men who will get to see what God calls men to be in the example Jake will set by loving and leading his family. I am praying for Mandi's future friends and the women who will begin to question the way things have always been by watching her raise her son and support her husband. I love that they are finally getting to go.

As part of their family, selfishly, I am sad to see them leave. I am going to miss my sister and her family more than I can express. I am going to miss living life with them, visiting them whenever I want to, calling or texting everyday and getting constant picture updates. They have shaped who I am and without them, it will be hard for awhile.

But as much as I love them, and will miss them, I trust God more. More than my family, they are his creations. Greater than my needs are the needs of the world they are venturing into. Before they are anything to me, they are everything to him. The world is his, they are his, and this is the way in which he has ordained that they collide. I will be okay without them and the world will be better for them. I can joyfully let go and cheer on as they move forward in these next days. I can be happy and sad because most of all, I am God's and I understand following his leadership. Mandi, Jake and Jackson will always be in my heart, prayers and thoughts. While we may not occupy the same physical space, nothing can separate us because we are untied by the love of God. They are simply going to unite more people in that love.

So, in the days to come, pray for my family; those of us who are going and those of us who are staying. Pray for Mandi and Jake in the days to come as they redefine normal and undertake a worthy and glorious challenge. Pray for the people they are going to live alongside. But most of all, pray for where God is leading you. Everyone, everywhere at every time needs God. It doesn't matter what continent you are on, God has called us to live alongside his creation and minister wherever we are. As they join the church there, let's step up the church here. Let's live here with the attitude and mindset they they will live with there, that everyone deserves a chance to hear about the love of God and that we need to be the torch bearers in the dark places wherever they may be. As they shine God's light in Chad, you shine it in your life, in your town, and in your sphere of influence.

If you want to get to know these awesome people or support them in any way check them out at

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