Later in the week I wanted to (and did) say those words I shouldn't say again when I realized one of my girls had played me and run away. I am imperfect and thought my spidey sense was tingling all day, I connected the dots about a minute too late and she made it out the door. Since it was dark outside when she ran, they were still looking for her when I left work. I felt a huge weight on my chest. I came home angry at her for abusing my trust, but mostly angry at myself because I should have know better and seen it coming. I had a feeling between wanting to burst into tears, punch something, and throw up until I got a text message around midnight saying she had been found safe and was back where she needed to be. The next morning walking into work was hard. I didn't know whether I wanted to yell at her, or hug her and cry. I realized then my emotions were running the show and I needed to let my head take the reigns.
A few years ago I realized that I had terrible boundaries. I came to realize this after no less that five different people recommended the book Boundaries to me. (If you haven't read it, you need to! Super helpful, Cloud and Townsend, check it out.) I came to the conclusion that I cannot help anyone when I am too tired or drained to care. That book made me do some evaluating and changing in my life, prioritizing myself and what I need. It isn't selfish to make sure that I am okay, it is necessary. It is something I have to check from time to time though, as not taking the time to care for myself is a very easy habit to fall back into.
Looking at my runaway this week, I realized I had been neglecting my boundaries. Much like the lice that infected my unit, without care or check to their infestation, I had allowed other people's emotions and issues to infest my life. I had neglected myself and was headed toward the place of being burnt out. I care, and will always care about the emotions of those around me; but caring and carrying are very different things. If there was emotional infestation shampoo, I needed it. Instead, I went inside myself and inspected my mental walls, filling the gaps and patching the holes. I said no when I needed to say no. Instead of trying to play a game with one of my girls who wanted me to play, I was honest about needing to do paperwork. I didn't let my runaway dump her emotions on me, instead tapping in others who can help. I shared the load. Everything got done and I when I left for the day, I left the emotions of the day behind. When I got home, I focused on what I needed and wanted. I rested.
I am still tired. We are so short staffed right now it is ridiculous. (Seriously if you know anyone who wants to work with some pretty cool children at a youth ranch in Kerrville Texas let me know.) I am trying to show these kids that someone loves them and point them toward Christ, but I am no good to anyone if I am burnt out and emotionally drained. I have to take time for me, even if only in small ways. I am so excited to get to go see my soul sister get married this week (*happy dance*). I am not sure I remember how to have conversations with people who aren't emotionally disturbed, but I am going to dust off my social skills and give it a go. I was so glad to get to hug my sister and hold my nephews this week. I have a dinner date with my mom and am going to get to hug my dad before I go to the wedding. I am going to get 5 whole days without having to contain or de-escalate. I am going to re-charge.
This week remember that while you are important, the fate of the world does not rest in your hands alone. Take time to make sure you are okay. Do something for yourself. Check your boundaries. While you can and should care, don't carry the emotions of others. Charge your batteries so that you can continue the work to which you are called. Don't fight needless battles for ambiguous reasons, instead focus on where you hear God's voice. Don't waste emotion on things that ultimately don't impact the Kingdom or you in any real way. Take rest, say no, and practice some self care. Your health matters.
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