Monday, October 1, 2012


Today I am reminded that life is what you make it. This morning I woke up with that yucky monday feeling; that all encompassing, ever fatiguing, makes you want to pout and stamp your foot like you are three feeling. This week already holds so many things that I know need to be accomplished in it and the surprises and spontaneity are still yet to come. Instantly I was overwhelmed with my to-do list and underwhelmed with the energy I had to get it completed. My morning prayer was more like a morning whine to God about all I had to do and how I was feeling about it. God, patient father that he is, let me have my moment before reminding me that I am simply called to be. I am called to be his, for his glory and his renown and whatever may come at me while I am on that path, I can deal with it. Why? Because I am not alone. My mom gave me a necklace that has four sides and each side says something that God says I am. The words are "chosen", "cherished", "celebrated", and "created". I am all of these and so much more! So I checked my attitude and left my room. I grabbed my computer, some hot tea and headed outside. Today is a beautiful day in Waco. The weather is perfect and I am blessed to be able to do school where I choose, so outside on the porch it was!
As I finished school for the day a few hours later, I was reminded that there is a beauty in beginnings. This week is just beginning and has unlimited opportunities to minister, created, rejoice and simply be. So my monday pity party is officially over, and this week is looking like it is going to be a great one! If you are stuck in the monday mournings, remember that you too are created, cherished, chosen and celebrated. May your week bless you in unexpected ways!