Saturday, January 4, 2014


"With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere." -C.S. Lewis

It is a new year! That means that for most of us, we have taken time to reflect upon the hardships of last year and tried to commit to being better in this new year. We have found things we are dissatisfied with in ourselves and resolved to change them. Whatever your resolutions may be, I wish you luck with them in the days to come. I hope that you are able to make positive changes in your life that last for longer than just the month of January and I would also ask that you help me keep mine in the year to come. I have resolved to do five things differently this year, and if you want to do them with me, I invite you to join in!

1. Love Fearlessly
I too often, in relationships with others and more importantly in my relationship with God, allow fear to play a major role. God wants me to love with abandon. If I am loving those around me fearlessly I can show them the type of radical love Jesus showed the world when he came and if I am loving God without fear I will be able to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit wherever it may lead. I don't want fear to play a part in how I love others this year.

2. Live Actively
I want to be an active part of the lives of the people I am blessed to know. I want to not be a face that they sometimes see or someone that occasionally they talk to on the phone. I want to be there for the joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures of the amazing people I get to be surrounded by. I want to make sure that in this coming year people know that I am here to be on their team and that I will not shy away from their mess or darkness, but that I am going to stand in their storm.

3. Find Whimsy
I am 24 years old. I am at a wonderful stage in life where I am new to the adult table, but, I want to be sure that in the coming years I am still able to still find wonder and whimsy in the world around me. My creator delights in his creation, and I want to be sure I am doing the same. I want to seek joy and hope, find myself in situations where the only appropriate response is to giggle, and to enjoy the life I have been given.

4. Learn humbly
I am nowhere near knowing all that I need to know or want to know about anything. I want to be sure that in the coming year I am containing to study and learn. I want to learn more of the word of God so than I can hold it in my heart. I want to learn more about the area I feel called to so that I can best help those I will impact in the future. I also want to learn more about myself and who I am at my core. I want to know my God, skills, self and shortcomings better at the end of this year than I do now, which means I have a lot of learning to do.

5. Grow gratefully
I have been given life, talents and a calling worthy of someone greater than I am now. I want to grow this year to more resemble Christ and the woman I was made to become. In continuing to love, be an active part of the lives of others, keeping my childish sense of wonder and learning more of who I am, I will hopefully grow closer to that person, but it also takes me continually praying to become her. I need to pray against complacency in who and where I am and always be willing to work on myself for the Glory of God and the betterment of my ministry. I want to always be growing until the day comes when I go to my eternal home and am able to worship the God I love forever.

So friends, these are my resolutions. I hope to love you more, love myself more, giggle with you, be constantly learning, and grow closer to who I could be someday this year. I hope you accomplish your resolutions and will help me keep mine in the 361 days we have left of this year.

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